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I am a Canadian Immigration Agent

Wednesday 15 May 2013

New Pakistan (Nayya Pakistan)

New Pakistan
What is it for:
A child:
Good solid foundation, good healthy environment to be brought up in, good education to equip them for competitive future life, good childhood with toys, parks, play areas, colorful clothes, good nutritious and tasty food, good health facilities!
A youth:
Could enjoy the most vibrant, enthusiastic, jubilant, and full of energy phase of life with friends: with availability of good, career oriented education, to be ready to kick start professional life which leads to enduring career
A young adult:
A settled life, with deserving employment and remunerations, affordable home to live in with family, ability to send kids to good schools, pamper kids and spouse by meeting their needs, providing them necessities and innocent luxuries to enjoy lives, have assurance of sustainability in career and availability of funds/pension/support towards the twilight of career and after retirement from professional life
An old person
When sees in rear view mirror; gets a satisfaction that had been responsible deliverer throughout his life, has got settled, married kids aho are happy in their lives when look ahead, could see smooth, serene and relaxing time with his partner and family till the final call is announced for them!
For All:
A country with life, job, family, home security, no discrimination, no corruption, no poverty, no class and status differences, no load shedding of power, and above all with equal opportunities and life style….and off course without suicide bombing and drone attacks!!!!!
Will new Government provide this all!!!!or we wait for another five years…..with no one to be blamed and but ourselves!!!!
Or we under the able captaincy of our captain; do all this without looking towards the government to avoid disappointment!