On Friday March 30, 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
proposed new legislation that would reduce the country’s backlog of
Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications – by eliminating all files
submitted before February 27, 2008, when the selection criteria was
changed, and which had not been seen by immigration officials before
March 29, 2012.
Under the proposed legislation, if an applicant submitted their
file before 2008 and it moved past the initial stage, it would be
processed regardless – meaning the applications being closed weren’t
being evaluated anyway.
The government estimated this would affect 280,000 people, including dependants.
“I can understand their frustration and I regret the fact that they
waited patiently in the queue only to find out that we’re returning
their applications,” Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney
said in an interview with the Toronto Star. But “if we don’t decisively
deal with the old backlog, we’ll be carrying it well into the future.”
公民及移民部的一位发言人Nancy Caron对《大中报》表示,如果这项议案获得正式通过,移民部将向那些受影响的申请者退款。
If the proposed legislation is enacted, CIC will refund affected
applicants’ fees, Nancy Caron, a CIC spokesperson, told Chinese News.
“Until these changes come into force, CIC has instructed visa
offices to continue with the processing of FSW applications,” including
those submitted before February 27, 2008, he said.
One month after the legislation was announced, many outraged
applicants held simultaneous protests in cities around the world,
including London, Chandigarh and Hong Kong.
Yiming Jiang helped organize the Hong Kong demonstration. As part
of a group called the Pre-2008 Backloggers Association, he co-wrote a
petition and led 80 applicants in a march outside Hong Kong’s Canadian
“We are not the mice in CIC policy experiments; we are human
beings,” the petition read. “We should not be made to pay the price for
CIC’s... policy failures and the Minister [sic] insatiable thirst for
The protesters gave the petition to an immigration program manager at the embassy.
Mr. Jiang submitted his FSW application in December 2007. He’s
currently working as a cosmetic formulator and production manager, but
“would very much like to work in one of the many cosmetic companies of
Canada,” he told Chinese News.
However, under the government’s so-called “Bill C-50,” enacted in
2008, FSW applications are only accepted from foreigners with proven
experience in one of 29 NOCs (National Occupational Classifications),
including cooks (NOC number 6242), family physicians (NOC 3112) and
nurses (NOC 3233). Mr. Jiang’s NOC, sales representative (6221), is not
on that list.
“CIC has been promising us our files will always be processed
according to the rules when we submit our applications,” he told Chinese
News. “They told us to be patient and wait in the queue.”
Before C-50 was introduced, applicants were evaluated based on
criteria such as language skills, number of relatives in Canada and
education, in addition to their field of work. They were not limited to
certain occupations.
Moreover, only 36 percent of applicants worked in their chosen
fields, Mr. Jiang said. Yet CIC’s own 2010 evaluation discovered that 89
percent of FSWs were employed or self-employed three years after
landing in Canada, and more than 95 percent of employers surveyed
indicated that FSWs were meeting or exceeding their expectations.
“Canada is a free country,” Mr. Jiang said. “Even in China we have
the freedom to work in whatever fields we like. CIC has no right
whatsoever to interfere with our job preferences.”
CIC’s Ms. Caron said the new legislation was necessary for Canada “to keep pace with our competitors for global talent.”
“If Canada’s processing system is slower than the pace of change of
the labour market, we end up rewarding the most patient applicants over
the best applicants,” she said. “This is not how a modern, effective
and efficient economic immigration system should be run.”
Eliminating the backlog will allow CIC to focus on processing
immigrants “who apply under the current eligibility criteria and are
more suited for shortages in the Canadian economy today,” Ms. Caron
“Affected applicants can re-apply under the current FSW selection
criteria,” she said. “If they possess the skills Canada needs now, they
are likely to receive much faster processing.”
Since Bill C-50’s introduction, the federal government has reduced
the FSW backlog by 50 percent, from more 640,000 people in 2008 to
around 314,000 by 2011. CIC officials estimate that processing the
remaining backlog would take until 2017.
The Pre-2008 Backloggers Association estimates that maintaining
2010 processing levels, which dropped by half in 2011, would allow the
government to finish processing the backlog by 2015.
Tim Leahy, a Toronto-based immigration lawyer, is arranging
litigation against the proposal. He expects a class-action lawsuit will
be filed if the new legislation goes through.
“To my knowledge, the Government of Canada has never tried to legislate such unethical behavior before,” he said.
Mr. Leahy said that “CIC is misleading the public by implying that
their much-vaunted ‘occupation list’ will assure that ‘urgent labour
markets’ are met,” especially given the organization’s knowledge that
only 36 percent of immigrants pursue their chosen occupation.
“Moreover, the fact that 18 of the 29 occupations require licensing
before being able to practice their trade or profession makes it
obvious to anyone who looks beyond the surface that CIC’s assertion is
devoid of credibility,” Mr. Leahy said.
An immigrant himself, from Detroit, Mr. Leahy was a diplomat and
benefit program director before he moved to Canada and became a lawyer.
“To me, the successful immigrant is one who can improvise, one who
possesses varied experience,” he said. After all, an immigrant “who has
had more than one career before immigrating has more chances to find
employment in Canada.”
编注:英翻中:红枫编译。Translator (English to Chinese): Hong Feng.
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