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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

New Federal Skilled Worker Points System for Skilled Worker Immigration to Canada Program

Finally, the specific details of the proposed changes in Canada's FSW Points system is now available online in Canada Gazette. Please note that it is still a proposal and may still be subject to changes. But most likely, this will be it. That's because the way I see it, what Kenny wants, Kenny gets. ;-)

2. The number of points for the second official language (French) would be reduced from 8 points to 4 points. 3. Significantly increasing the maximum points awarded for fluency in one official language from 16 points to 24 points. This is not final, but the computation could be as follows:

CLB 7 = 4 points (IELTS 6)
CLB 8 = 5 points (IELTS 6.5 for Reading, Writing and Speaking. For Listening it's 7.5)
CLB 9 = 6 points (IELTS 7 for Reading, Writing and Speaking. For Listening it's 8)

Age Factor
The proposal is to favor younger applicants by awarding a maximum of 12 points for applicants aged 18 to 35 and a reduction of 1 point for every year after 35:

36 years old = 11 points
37 years old = 10 points
38 years old = 09 points
39 years old = 08 points
40 years old = 07 points
41 years old = 06 points
42 years old = 05 points
43 years old = 04 points
44 years old = 03 points
45 years old = 02 points
46 years old = 01 points
47 years old = 00 points

Work Experience Factor
The proposal is to reduce the total number of points for work experience from 21 to 15, and increase the years of experience required to achieve full points, from four years to six.

1 year = 09 points
2-3 yeas = 11 points
4-5 yeas = 13 points
6 + yeas = 15 points

Adaptability Factor
The proposal is to change the adaptability criteria to emphasize factors that are shown to have positive impacts on an immigrant’s economic and social integration. Maximum is 10 points.
10 points - PA Previous Work in Canada (min. 1 yr at NOC 0, A, B)
05 points - Previous study in Canada — PA
05 points - Previous study in Canada — accompanying spouse/partner
05 points - Previous work in Canada — accompanying spouse/partner
05 points - Arranged employment
05 points - Accompanying spouse/partner’s official language (CLB/NCLC 4) 05 points - Relative in Canada (18 years or over)

The additional points (3-5) from Spouse's education is no longer included.

Education Factor
Education points would be awarded based on the equivalent Canadian educational credential and points would be redistributed in recognition of the credential’s relevance in the Canadian labour market. Designated organizations would work on a case-by-case basis to authenticate credentials obtained in foreign jurisdictions and determine their equivalent value in Canada. 25 points - Doctoral level
23 points - Master’s level or professional degree
22 points - Two or more post-secondary credentials, one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential

21 points - Three-year or longer post-secondary credential
19 points - Two-year post-secondary credential
15 points - One-year post-secondary credential
05 points - Secondary school

Without assessment from the organization designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, you can't claim points for the education factor.

Pass mark would still be 67 points.

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