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Friday 24 September 2010

Canadian Education System


Canada has both a public and private education system. From kindergarten through to university, the Canadian government subsidizes a great portion of the financial burden of educating its young minds.

Canada has one of the highest educational standards when compared to other industrialized nations. The school year normally runs from September through to the following June. Secondary studies go up to Grades 11, 12 or 13, depending on the province. After which, students may choose to attend university, college, or Cegep (in Quebec) studies.

Canada has many internationally recognized university programs located in both urban and rural regions throughout the Nation. Degrees awarded from Canadian universities are recognized as equivalent to those from American and other Commonwealth universities. The university year usually runs from September to May.

International students may choose to study in either one of Canada's two official languages. Some universities even offer instruction in both. However, students need not be fluent in both languages to attend school in Canada.

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